Thanks for supporting NLA!
Your generous contributions, whether through financial support, time, or resources, are vital in fulfilling New Life Academy’s mission! Thank you for partnering with us to educate students in a Christ-centered environment where they are individually known, intentionally loved, and uniquely valued.
All donations are tax-deductible through the New Life Academy Educational Foundation. In addition to financial contributions, New Life community members invest generously with their time and talents by participating in events, serving on committees, volunteering in the classroom, and more. Help us shape a brighter future for our students and community by exploring the many ways you can give back to New Life Academy below!
Annual Giving Opportunities:
Planned Giving:
Looking for creative ways to give to New Life Academy? Did you know New Life Academy offers Planned Giving opportunities for our community? Planned Giving offers innovative ways for you to support NLA and the future of Christian Education. These ways include naming New Life Academy in your will or trust, making a gift to NLA through your retirement account, and gifting stocks or securities.
Other Ways to Give:
Mailed Check
If you prefer to mail your gift, please send your check, made out to New Life Academy Educational Foundation to:
New Life Academy
Advancement Department
6758 Bailey Road
Woodbury, MN 55129
Online Giving
The most straightforward way to give is to set up giving online. You can conveniently set up a 12-month commitment with auto pay. It’s easy and gives the gift that NLA can count on.
Text by Phone
Text GiveNLA to 41-444 to donate through a secure site dedicated specifically to New Life Academy.
Gift of Stock
Donating securities or stock to NLA is a win win for YOU and NLA. You avoid capital gains taxes AND get a tax deduction on the fair market value of the stock on the day it is transferred directly to NLA through our brokerage firm, Charles Schwab, details below. If you have a depreciated stock, you can sell the stock and recognize the capital loss on your taxes and then donate the cash to NLA.
When you have transferred stock, please contact us to let us know you have made the gift. We are not informed of donor names when a gift is given because of privacy rules. We want to be able to thank you. Gifts take about 5 to 7 business days to come through. Stocks will be sold immediately, and funds given to the New Life Academy Educational Foundation. Consult with your financial advisor before making any gift decisions regarding securities or stocks.
NLA Brokerage Firm: Charles Schwab
Name: New Life Academy Educational Foundation
DTC Number: 0164 Code: 40
NLA’s Account Number: 46434193
Donor Advised Funds
Request a gift be made directly to NLA Educational Foundation through your DAF manager and mailed to NLA.
Planned and Legacy Giving
Planned giving and legacy giving are easy ways to provide transformation in the lives of NLA students for many years to come. These include remembering NLA in your will or estate plan or changing your beneficiary designation on an IRA, bank account, or life insurance policy. Many of these can be done quickly by just submitting an updated form. Contact your financial advisor for specific details and instructions.
Planned giving also involves giving through your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or donating your IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) directly to the NLA Education Foundation. Speak to your financial advisor or manager for help.
Volunteer Opportunities
Many opportunities exist—both one-time and ongoing—for parents and grandparents to volunteer at New Life Academy. By giving of your time and abilities, you will help NLA achieve its mission while experiencing first-hand what sets New Life apart. Volunteering is also a great way to get to know other parents, faculty, and staff while making a lasting impact on the New Life Academy.
Our Parent School Partnership (PSP), a dedicated group of parent volunteers, is always looking for more parents to serve together to show appreciation to NLA teachers and staff. Please fill out our volunteer interest form to get started.
Donor Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I designate my gift to a specific area of New Life Academy?
All fundraising is done in support of NLA’s mission and vision. However, if there is an area of the school that you are passionate about, we can find an area or project you can direct your giving. We are also happy to hear new ideas.
How can I donate gifts of securities or stock?
You can donate gifts of securities or stock to NLA, receive a tax deduction on the gift and avoid income taxes on the asset appreciation. That’s a win-win!
Contact your financial institution and have them transfer the securities or stock directly to NLA Educational Foundation’s brokerage account at Charles Schwab. Do not sell the stock yourself because you will have to pay income tax on the appreciation of the asset. Stocks will be sold immediately and funds transferred to the Foundation.
When you have made the gift, please contact us to let us know you have transferred the gift. We are not informed of donor names when a gift is given because of privacy rules. We want to be able to thank you. Gifts take about 5 to 7 business days to come through.
NLA Brokerage Firm: Charles Schwab
Name: New Life Academy Educational Foundation
DTC Number: 0164 Code: 40
NLA’s Account Number: 46434193
NLA’s Address: 6758 Bailey Road, Woodbury, MN 55129
Contact Name, Phone, and Email: Larry Chinn, 651-757-4314,
How can I include New Life Academy as part of my estate planning?
It’s as easy as designating the New Life Academy Educational Foundation at 6758 Bailey Road, Woodbury, MN 55129 as a beneficiary of your life insurance, bank account, or as part of your will or estate plan. You can specify a percentage of your assets or a specific amount. You can change it at any time, while you are living, if your situation changes.
Please inform us if you make NLA as part of your estate plan. We would like to thank you and keep you informed of the legacy you will be leaving.
Please consult your financial planner for professional advice.
How does contributing to an organization such as New Life Academy benefit me?
In addition to having the satisfaction of knowing you made an impact on a student’s life, you also receive tangible tax benefits from your donation through the NLA Educational Foundation. Charitable gifts are deductible to the full extent of the law, depending on whether you itemize and how you set up your donation.
Is New Life Academy Educational Foundation a 501c3?
Yes, New Life Academy Educational Foundation, Inc. (NLAEF) is a registered 501c3. The NLAEF supports New Life Academy programs and services and receives charitable gifts to support those programs and services.
What is NLA’s Federal ID number?
New Life Academy Educational Foundation (NLAEF) EIN: 41-1915933
Will my name be sold if I donate?
Your confidentiality is very import to us. New Life Academy will never sell, lend, or share your name or address with other organizations.
Donor Bill of Rights
The Donor Bill of Rights was created by the American Association of Fundraising Counsel, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education as well as being endorsed by a number of other organizations. New Life Academy embraces this Donor Bill of Rights and abides by its guidelines.
From the Association of Fundraising Professionals: Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the nonprofit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights: