New Life Academy is a Preschool-Grade 12 private Christian school in Woodbury, MN that educates students and helps them flourish in a Christ-centered community where they are known, loved, and valued.
Our goal is to intentionally prepare students at every age level to be faith-filled and future-ready leaders during their time at New Life Academy and beyond.
We invite you to learn more about us, schedule a visit, and find out if NLA is the right place for your family!
More about NLA
From Stage to State: “Nevermore” Takes First Place in Sectionals
written by Journalism student, Lincoln N. New Life Academy’s original One Act production “Nevermore”…
New Life Church Votes to Purchase Bailey Land in Expansion
by Journalism students Addison K. and Jasmine T. On Sunday, January 12, New Life Church voted an approval to buy 30…
Former Summer Blast Leader Returns to Teach at New Life Full-Time
by Journalism student Nick R. Mrs. Sophia Spennewyn, a fresh hire for the 2024-2025 school year, previously worked at…