When we think of “grace” and “truth,” what comes to mind? As followers of Jesus, striking a balance between these two principles is crucial, especially when living in a world of grey. Jesus was full of grace and truth (John 1:14), and we are called to follow his example.
Navigating the balance between grace and truth can be a challenge, especially when life seems complicated and unclear. It’s important to treat everyone with grace while also guiding them towards the truth. If we strive for absolute black and white thinking or only live in the grey areas, we may struggle to lead others towards Christ. That’s why it’s worth considering a third option – having clear biblical standards while also remaining flexible in how those standards are applied depending on the situation.
At New Life Academy, we recognize that we are all sinners in need of a Savior. We believe in extending grace while seeking Truth, and we’ve crafted an approach to situations and conversations that reflects this balance:
Love lies at the heart of our actions (1 Peter 4:8). By listening and understanding, even if we disagree, we create a supportive environment for students and families.
The Bible serves as our compass (Isaiah 40:8). We guide others back to its timeless truths, helping them discern God’s will.
Spiritual transformation is a lifelong process (2 Corinthians 3:18). We will make mistakes. We accompany individuals through their struggles, trusting in Christ’s transformative power.
Just as Christ reconciled us to God (2 Corinthians 5), we seek restoration in all relationships.
Our goal is to see lives transformed by Christ’s love. Embracing this approach isn’t easy, but as a community, we’re committed to it. We all stumble, requiring grace, yet we’re also called to uphold the Truth. Together, let’s reflect on the grace and truth of Jesus, guiding one another toward reconciliation with God.
Grant Lilly, Campus Pastor