The Heart Behind the Annual Fund

by Journalism Student, Paige P.

Every year, New Life’s Annual Fund campaign brings together students, parents, and the community to support the mission and vision of New Life Academy. This initiative is not just about raising money; it’s about fostering a community that believes in the power of faith-based education and the potential of every student.

Mr. Larry Chinn, Advancement Director and head of the Annual Fund, focuses on improving the school. These improvements help the school and the community; from scholarships and financial aid to extracurricular activities and facility improvements, the contributions made by our generous donors create opportunities for growth and excellence. 

“I tell people to make an impact in the way that they want to make an impact,” says Mr. Chinn, “People can’t individually provide a Christian education for a lot of kids, so they partner with New Life to be able to do that because that’s what New Life Academy does.” 

The heart behind the Annual Fund is the belief that all children should have access to a high-quality education that is rooted in Christian principles. New Life donors’ liberality has a direct impact on the student’s lives by giving them access to possibilities they might not otherwise have. 

“The drama department benefits so much from the Annual Fund,” shares Upper School English teacher Ms. Carly Allen. “The support it gives, both financially and otherwise, has allowed our program to grow and engage our community in really exciting ways.” 

The community’s involvement in the Annual Fund is a testament to the shared commitment to our school’s values and goals. It’s a team effort that emphasizes how crucial it is to fund education and make sure every student has the opportunity to succeed. 

The Annual Fund is our margin of excellence. It’s the ability to continually improve. It’s like a step forward and then before you know it, things are a lot better. 

Mr. Chinn, Advancement Director

As we look to the future, the Annual Fund will continue to play a crucial role in our school’s success. It will continue to grow throughout the accomplishments and the continual community effort towards our shared goals for improvement. 

“The Annual Fund is really a rallying time that we can all just be together, enjoy some nice activities together and then give what we can to improve our school as a community,” says Mr. Chinn. 

Some of the Exciting 2024 Annual Fund Community Events!

School-Wide Coin Drive
Community Dinner
Fall Festival