Every Friday morning a group of parents and grandparents gather together to pray over our school in a conference room at New Life Academy.
Moms in Prayer is an international organization that aims to cover every school in the world with prayer. The organization began in 1984 with a group of Christian moms. It has since expanded to include groups in every state in the U.S. and over 150 countries globally.
At New Life Academy, groups of parents have been meeting weekly for several years! NLA parent Kendall Wood has faithfully led this group for the past four years. She shared, “The goal for me is calling the Holy Spirit to move radically within the walls of our building and hearts of our students and staff. Prayer changes things.”
NLA’s Moms in Prayer group spends intentional time each week praying over ongoing hopes, specific requests from teachers, their own prayers as moms, and all the hard issues that students deal with.
To help provide structure to the prayer time, Moms in Prayer International offers prayer sheets that groups can follow. First, they spend time praising the Lord for who He is, including reading Scriptures that describe his attributes. Next, they focus on silent confession, thanksgiving, and intercession.
Some of our Moms in Prayer group!
Carol Henry, a grandparent at NLA shares, “My favorite part is praising God through the many attributes of His character and thanking Him for His answers to our prayers.”
We are so encouraged by initiatives like Moms in Prayer and ask that our community continue lifting up New Life Academy in prayer. Pray for our students and staff. Pray for our leadership. Pray for what God is doing through NLA.
Moms in Prayer meetings are open to anyone in the NLA community, not just moms! If you want to participate in this, we encourage you to check it out. Whether you go weekly or just once, there is power in your prayers.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. –1 Thessalonians 5:16-18