In its very nature, New Life Academy is set apart from other schools. We make it our mission to educate and energize future generations to impact their world for Jesus Christ, teaching students to use their God-given abilities in their communities and beyond.
Hosted in an intimate setting on a Sunday afternoon, NLA’s graduation ceremony is designed to both glorify God and reflect the values we have instilled in our students through their experiences at New Life. The whole experience seals all the priceless lessons our students have learned in their time at New Life Academy.
Prayer is a central aspect of everyday life at NLA; we believe inviting God into the classroom is crucial in living out our vision. Graduation is no exception. One of the most memorable aspects of graduation at New Life Academy is the prayer before the ceremony. Each year, parents surround their students, praying over their future and dedicating them to the Lord. It’s an emotional, special time for students to tangibly experience the faithful stewardship of their families before moving on to college.
The entire graduation event emphasizes community, another core value at NLA. Thanks to small class sizes. NLA students have a unique opportunity to develop close relationships with teachers and staff.
Senior Sam Horner said, “The NLA community is a very tight knit one. Everybody knows everybody. It’s a fun environment to have relationships with such a good portion of the upper class and the teachers here.”
For many students, New Life Academy feels like family; the graduation ceremony serves as a celebration of this family and is particularly special for those who have attended since elementary school.
After the graduation ceremony, students have a chance to fellowship with the entire community at NLA one last time, celebrating those who have impacted them most on their educational journey. Guidance Counselor Kim Chirpich said, “We provide a cake reception for our families, and kids can take the time to take photos with teachers, friends, and families.”
“The whole event is very special, unlike any other high schools,” she said.