10 Ways NLA Prepares Students to be Future-Ready

In a constantly changing world, New Life Academy aims to develop Early Ed-12th grade students with the skills, competencies, and values they need to face the future. We believe in empowering our students with a holistic education that not only imparts immediate knowledge, but also equips them for the long-term journey ahead. Below are ten significant ways that we ensure our graduates are faith-filled and future-ready by the time they leave NLA.

A big part of what we want to do to prepare students to be future-ready is help them identify the gifts and passions God has given them and then gain experience and build skills in those areas.

Jed Moseman, Middle & Upper School Principal
1. Bible Classes

Faith formation is essential to equipping students to be successful once they leave NLA. Our core Bible curriculum helps students know the truths of Scripture and how to study it. Bible electives allow students to focus on their areas of interest and passions such as missions, Biblical interpretation, apologetics, and more. Our Senior Capstone class asks students to reflect on their education and faith journey at NLA and consider how it will impact their future.

2. Chapel

One of the best ways we can prepare students to be future-ready leaders is to help establish a faith foundation while they are still at NLA. One of the ways we do this is through weekly chapel services. Relevant, encouraging, and challenging messages and authentic student-led worship help students grow closer in their relationship with Jesus.

3. Leadership Opportunities

Biblical leadership is something severely lacking in the world. Preparing students to be leaders once they leave NLA means providing opportunities for them to develop leadership qualities. We do this through TA positions, counselor spots for our 6th-grade retreat at Camp Forest Springs, employment opportunities in our after-school program, and various electives and extra-curriculars.

4. Small Classes with Caring Teachers

Our small class sizes give teachers the space and time to get to know their students and speak into their lives. Beyond just academics, teachers provide emotional and spiritual support. Their support equips students to face the challenges and opportunities of the future. Students spend countless hours learning from the expertise and guidance of their teachers. These relationships last beyond graduation as teachers provide mentorship and spiritual leadership for alums.

5. Service Opportunities

Serving others is a very counter-cultural concept but deeply rooted in Scripture. It has become a big focus of ours over the years. We actively seek ways for our students to develop a heart of service. Because we know how important it is, we include service hours as a part of our graduation requirements. Some opportunities to serve include Middle School Project Serve, Junior Missions Trip, J-Term service days, and volunteering at school events.

6. Challenging Classes

Our academic curriculum is structured to support and challenge students through rigorous classes, hands-on projects, and innovative learning methods. We also help prepare students for college and beyond with options to challenge themselves through advanced classes and earn college credit through PSEO, CIS, and AP courses.

7. Academic, Career, and Counseling Office

The ACC offices serve to support students emotionally and academically. Our School Counselor and Academic Dean guide each student and family toward graduation and beyond. Information about college and other post-secondary options is intentionally communicated with each student. As students prepare for the future, our ACC office helps with college applications, scholarships, school visits, and more. Counseling services are available for students as needed to help support unique needs.

8. Variety of Electives

In addition to core classes, we offer many electives that grow each year based on student interests and ideas. Classes such as computer science, engineering, applied design, filmmaking, photography, journalism, and more develop applicable skills and encourage students to try new things. Students discover their interests in these spaces that help guide their future plans.

9. Off-Campus Experiences

Throughout their time at NLA, our students have the opportunity for several meaningful off-campus experiences. The purpose behind these experiences is to help create an atmosphere where students are encouraged to make their faith their own! Some of our students’ favorite trips include 6th Grade Camp Forest Springs, Sophomore Retreat, Junior Missions Trip, and Senior Retreat!

10. Extra-Curriculars

We believe every individual is uniquely and wonderfully made (Psalm 139). As a school, we get to come alongside our students and provide extra-curricular spaces where they can grow and develop the gifts that God gave them. Whether it’s athletics, fine arts, clubs, or whatever they might be interested in, the passions developed while in school can change a student’s life.

We are blessed to support and nurture so many extraordinary students. We know that God is at work in this community. As we continue to partner with current and new families, it is equally exciting to see students leave New Life Academy ready to be leaders for Christ. We are constantly finding new growth opportunities as we cheer our students on!